tisdag 22 januari 2013

Steampunk - the new trend in fashion and photography

Steampunk is the intersection of technology and romance. How will we as photographers be affected in our style.

On IBM http://asmarterplanet.com/blog/2013/01/22562.html?lnk=sa_steampunk you can read - "The trajectory for steampunk as a popular social and cultural trend is on the rise. From 2009 to 2012 the amount of social media chatter about steampunk rose by an astonishing 11 times. Recently, the 2012 Paralympics closing ceremony put the global spotlight on steampunk when singer Rihanna made her entrance on a steam sailing-ship to a world television audience of 3.4 billion. In addition, Lady Gaga has been photographed in neo-Victorian garb. Now a US television network is writing a steampunk-inspired TV show for the fall 2013 season.
As this trend gains momentum, the business opportunity around steampunk is being capitalized on by forward-looking retailers. Perhaps most notably is the current Prada Fall/Winter collection for men – elegant, stripped-back steampunk fashion modelled by Gary Oldman, Garrett Hedlund, Jamie Bell, and Willem Dafoe. Where high fashion leads, everyday fashion follows quickly in a season or two."
My 60-year birthday party on Dorsi in Gothenburg seem to be somewhat inspired by this new trend, even if that was not the descrption of how the designer and owner was inspired.

I beleive we as photographers and stockimage contributers shall have this in mind.
What do you think?

My other blog on photography http://aperture-11.blogspot.com